Notice Of Privacy Practices

HealthForce Partners appreciates your trust in us. We are committed to protecting your private, personal information. A new law requires that we inform you of how we collect and use your personal information.

This notice describes how information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

Understanding Your Health Information

Every time you visit a hospital, physician or other healthcare provider, personal information is collected about you and a record of your visit is created. This information can be collected from:

Typically, your record contains information identifying you as an individual as well as information about your symptoms, examination and test results, diagnosis and treatment. Your billing record is also considered part of your personal health information. This information, often referred to as your health or medical record, serves as:

Your Health Information Rights

Although the health and billing records we create are the property of our office, the information in your records belongs to you. You have the right to:

Our Responsibilities

HealthForce Partners is required by law to:

We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy practices at any time, and such changes will be effective for any health information we already maintain. Should our privacy practices change, a revised notice will be posted in our facility and on our website. You may also request a copy of our current notice at any time.

Examples of Disclosures for Treatment, Payment and Operations

Disclosing Your Health Information

We will not use or disclose your health information except as allowed by law or with your specific written authorization. You can revoke any authorization you give us. There are some situations where we are allowed or required by law to disclose your health information without a signed authorization. These are:

For More Information or to Report a Problem

If you have questions, or if you would like additional information about our Notice of Information Practices, you may contact our Privacy Officer at:

Privacy Officer
HealthForce Partners
11810 North Creek Pkwy N
Suite 105
Bothell, WA 98011
(425) 806-5700

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you have the right to complain to us at the above address or to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. You will not be penalized, retaliated against, or otherwise treated differently for filing a complaint.

Effective Date

This Notice of Privacy Practices takes effect on April 14, 2003.